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Question of the Week

Who are the Wardens of St. George’s? What is their job? Who is on Parish Council? What is their job? 

By March 12, 2015September 25th, 2017No Comments

The Wardens, along with the Rector of the parish, comprise what is called “The Corporation” of the congregation. Together, these three persons are entrusted with the responsibility to govern and lead the congregation, and to bear legal and financial responsibility for the life of the church. One Warden is elected by the Vestry (the entire church membership) in February for the coming year. One Warden is appointed by the Rector. It is a testament to the depth of leadership in this parish that our Wardens serve only one year in this role, that we are able to continually draw new people into this responsibility and leadership at St. George’s. It is also a testament to the congregation’s wisdom that the Wardens serve as Deputy Warden for one year prior to taking their position, essentially learning the job and sharing in the decision-making and responsibility of the congregation.

This year, our People’s Warden (elected by the Vestry) is Doug Ridge and our Rector’s Warden (appointed by me) is Paul Chapman. Deputy People’s Warden is Sharon Vermolen. Deputy Rector’s Warden is Marc Delisio. You will see all four of your Wardens regularly acting as welcome, guide, helper, and key-keeper at our 10am worship service. If at any point you have any questions, concerns, hopes or insights about our ministry here, these four people are readily available to approach.

The Parish Council is composed of the Rector, the Wardens and Deputy Wardens, Lay Representatives to Synod (the governing body of the Anglican church in a particular geographical region), other members of the Congregation as elected at Vestry or as appointed by the Rector. At St. George’s, the additional members have been comprised of a variety of people who hold leadership roles in ministry at St. George’s, keeping in mind the desire to have representatives of the spectrum of ages we have at St. George’s as well as people from both the 8am and 10am worship services (for example, many of you don’t know that our new Warden, Marc Delisio, is a lifelong member of St. George’s and a Lay Reader in our congregation because his primary worship service has always been 8am). The role of Parish Council is:

(a) To consult with, advise and assist the Rector or Incumbent and Churchwardens and to co-ordinate the activities of the various local Church organizations.

(b) To assist the Churchwardens in securing the funds required for the purposes of the Church.

(c) To make recommendations in regard to insurance and maintenance of Church property.

(d) To assist the Rector or Incumbent and Churchwardens in informing the Congregation fully of the plans, activities and needs of the whole Church.

(e) To assist the Churchwardens in preparing for the Annual Vestry Meeting estimates of receipts and expenditures for the coming year.

(f) To assist in organizing the Congregation for visiting the sick and poor, calling on newcomers, making surveys and canvasses and promoting generally the welfare and progress of the Congregation and the Church at large.

In view of this ‘job description’ you will notice that our Wardens now take responsibility for sharing a monthly report with the congregation on the decision-making of the Council. You will also notice that Parish Council is open to any who want to attend. However, only those who are elected or appointed are permitted to vote.

Your Parish Council this year, along with me and the Wardens, is:

Synod Council Representatives – Corwin Cambray, Melissa Bowles, Charles Burton

Penny Smith-Steinman – Co-Chair of Stewardship Jim Streadwick – Property Manager

Janet Veale – Breakfast Program Coordinator Doug Gallaway – Finance Committee

Myrna Holman & John Belford – past Wardens Jim Jenter – Treasurer, Lay Reader

Dorothy Dundas – Coffee Hour Coordinator & Dialing Disciples

Fred Hanam & Louise Cross – Elected members

Linda Telega – Secretary