Christ has no body now on earth but yours,
No hands but yours, No feet but yours;
Yours are the eyes through which Christ’s compassion
Looks out on the world:
Yours are the feet with which He is to
Go about doing good;
And yours are the hands with which
He is to bless us now.
Jesus used food – bread, wine, water – as primary symbols of his life and ministry. No wonder we love to bond over the fellowship of hot beverages and delicious food at St. George’s!
Whether you like to bake or cook, you know the value of a good cup of tea, or you are willing to tie on an apron and be part of serving one of our fabulous fellowship meals, we are grateful for the community that we are able to build with one another and extend to any friend, guest or stranger who might walk through our open doors. And we are grateful to all of those who work in a variety of capacities to make this fellowship possible.
Fellowship Hour: Every Sunday we have a Coffee Hour fellowship following the 10am service.
Soup Sunday: Once a month, we extend our Coffee Hour into Soup Sunday, and a time to enjoy an impressive variety of homemade soups, fresh bread, and yummy desserts.
BAC (Brotherhood of Anglican Churchmen) – Meets once a month for a delicious dinner, including homemade pie!, and a thought-provoking guest speaker.
Bishop Beattie Fellowship – Meets once a month for fellowship and includes an interesting mix of guest speakers.
So much more – The Neighbourhood BBQ, Gourmet Dinner Club, Chilli and Trivia Night, Bridge Club, Ladies Golf Group, Newcomers’ Gathering – the list of ways to have a great time at St. George’s goes on and on! For more information on getting involved in any of these groups, let us know.