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Question of the Week

Today we find ourselves joined in worship by a group of Youth and Volunteers from across the diocese, but who are they, and why are they here? 

By April 24, 2016September 25th, 2017No Comments


These incredible and passionate youth represent parishes from across the diocese and have been here at St Georges and in St Catharines all weekend to engage in Youth Synod in Action. YSA is an annual event that happens over two sessions each spring, gathering together 50-60 youth aged 13-21 in

addition to a number of community volunteers.

This weekend delegates have gathered, worshiped, prayed, played and learned about social justice and social action initiatives and programs happening here in St Catharines through immersion experiences. From these immersion experiences the delegates will write motions that will be debated in YSA’s second session in May.

YSA is about: advocating for a world that reflects God’s mission, love, hope, hospitality, inclusion and justice; it is about enabling delegates to integrate their faith and witness in their daily lives, it is the embodiment of Micah 6:8 (NRSV)

He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? 

Now Youth Synod in Action leave YOU with some Questions of the Week!

Who in your life engaged you in actions of Social Justice?

What did that mean to you?

How can you support and affirm the passion and commitment of the YSA delegates, the youth in our congregation and each other to continue to live Micah 6:8? How can we do this together?