Sunday 8am – This is a quiet, reflective, and simple service of prayer and holy Eucharist, following the traditional Anglican rite.
Sunday 10:00am – with choir and music, Sunday school, nursery and children’s activities, a meaningful message and the Communion of bread and wine, our main worship service of the week is vibrant and engaging, allowing people both to actively participate as well as to quietly receive the strength, prayers, and guidance that they may need in their work, responsibilities, celebrations and joys.
Monday to Thursday, 8:45am – Morning Prayer: The church is open for a quiet and contemplative 20 minute service of daily prayer.
Noon Hour Service: Wednesday at 12:o0pm Receive Holy Communion and take your lunch hour as a time of oasis and re-centering in the midst of busy-ness and challenge of life.
Advent Cafe: 7pm, Last Wednesday of the Month. Music, reflection, discussion in a relaxed atmosphere. Enter via the Memorial Garden.