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For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat,
I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink,
I was a stranger and you invited me in,
 I needed clothes and you clothed me,
I was sick and you looked after me,
I was in prison and you came to visit me.’
(Matt 25:35-6)

The Breakfast Program at St. George’s has been serving a daily free hot breakfast for almost 30 years. Last year, that added up to about 22,000 meals – no questions asked!  We are part of a nationwide project to partner with First Nations communities in accessing clean running water.  In our community, we all share in the responsibility of Christian friendship, visiting the sick and holding up the needs of one another and our world in prayer.  People of all ages are part of “sowing the seeds of God’s Love” with our Youth Group and Sunday School, also contributing to our service ministries.

Community Breakfast at St. George’s  We serve a hot and nourishing Community Breakfast 365 days of the year.  It is entirely free and is available to anybody who needs a meal, no questions asked.

Meal Bag Program – Our team prepares meal bags for families and singles in Niagara.

Water Project  We join with brothers and sisters across Canada in seeking partnerships with our First Nations’ communities that will provide clean water and waste water removal.

Out of the Cold  From November 1st  to March 31st, Out of the Cold operates out of St. George’s once a week to provide a meal and overnight accommodations to those in need.

Bethlehem House, RAFT, Hospice Niagara, University Women’s Book Drive, the list of vital community projects in which our members take active leadership is long and impressive.  Let St. George’s be the glue that connects you and your gifts with the needs of the community in which we live!

Youth Group  We meet regularly for fun, faith, and for service in our community and our world.

Prayer  connects us to one another, it reminds us that we are not powerless, that in the face of all that is broken in our world and in our individual lives, there is something concrete and meaningful that we can offer in response.  Prayer reminds us that there is no concern, no thanksgiving, too small or too large to lay before God.

a) Prayer Chain  This group forms a prayer network, a web of people ready, whenever requested, to add the confidential prayer of any individual in need to our own prayers, holding before God, as a community, needs and concerns of an immediate nature.

b) Prayer List In our regular worship services, we pray for those who have asked for our prayer.  Our worshiping life then strengthens our individual prayers lives as we hold the needs of our neighbours and our world before God.

Pastoral Visitors  We know that ministry to the sick is work which we share.  Pastoral visitors have received training, particularly in the often-neglected art of listening.  Pastoral visitors share with our ordained staff in making sure that those who are sick or shut-in in our community are continually connected to our community through regular visits, phone conversations, and the offering of home communion.

Property Stewardship – Volunteer with our Buildings and Grounds committee in hands-on projects that take care of our church building – allowing for our many community user groups to be able to use our space, as well as keeping building maintenance costs down and allowing the greatest amount of our financial resources to go toward ministry.