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We welcome you to the “oldest church with the youngest ideas.”

We pray that you will find yourself blessed here with a sense of God’s love and the warm hospitality of our community.


We are located at
83 Church Street, St. Catharines
The church Parking Lot is located
off Raymond Street.

On weekdays, use the upper lot

On evenings and weekends, the whole parking lot is available for use

On evenings and weekends, we also have use of the parking lot off Lyman Street, beside the Hulse & English Funeral Home parking lot

If you are planning a visit to St. George’s and you have mobility issues, call our office so we can plan to assist you.

Tradition HERE & NOW

Our Anglican worship is steeped in the beauty and wisdom of prayer passed down to us through generations of faithful people who have gone before us.  It is also connected to God’s Here and Now — how we make meaning in our lives, serve of our world, and live life fully.

Sunday morning

8am – This is a quiet, reflective, and simple service of prayer and holy Eucharist, following the traditional Anglican rite.

10am – with choir and music, Sunday school and children’s activities, a meaningful message and the Communion of bread and wine, our main worship service of the week is vibrant and engaging, allowing people both to actively participate as well as to quietly receive the strength, prayers, and guidance that they may need in their work, responsibilities, celebrations and joys.

First Sunday of the Month – Celtic Worshipthe evocative faith imagery and music of the Celtic tradition lifts our hearts to celebrate the blessings of God’s Creation.

The 10am service is followed by a time of fellowship and refreshment.

Morning Prayer:  Monday to Thursday at 8:45am the church is open for a quiet and contemplative 20-minute daily prayer service.

Advent Cafe: Last Wednesday of the Month at 7pm. Music, reflection, and discussion in a relaxed atmosphere. Enter via the Memorial Garden.

Wednesday at noon –  Receive Holy Communion and take your lunch hour as a time of oasis and re-centering in the midst of busy-ness and challenge of life.

Concierge Program

You may or may not be familiar with Anglican worship.  It is beautiful, but it can take some time to become familiar with the Ins and Outs of our traditions.  That is why we have Mentors available to you.  These Mentors will sit with you through the service, help you participate in our worship, and answer any questions that you may have.  If you are interested in being paired with a Mentor, speak to one of our Greeters when you arrive at worship, or contact us ahead of time so that we can plan to have someone arranged for you.

Children & Youth

St. George’s is a wonderful place for people of all ages!  Children are welcome to be part of our worship service, and during the 10am service, we have Sunday School and Nursery available.  One Sunday per month we have a Youth Bible Study.

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Our worship services usually include Communion.  This can raise questions about what is happening and what is expected.  Don’t worry, even long time Anglicans have questions!  The most important thing to know is that there is nobody judging your ‘manners’ at God’s table.

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There is an Offering in our worship services.  This Offering makes possible the worship, outreach, sanctuary, learning, youth programs, music and service to our community that takes place here.  All gifts that are clearly identified will receive a tax receipt.  And we believe that our practices of generosity help us to be more able to see and give thanks for God’s blessings.  If you choose to give a gift to this church, pay attention in the coming weeks to where you experience God’s abundant blessings at work in you and your life!

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If you are intrigued by the practice and meaning of anything you experience here, or if you wish to know more before participating, PLEASE speak contact our office to speak to someone on our Ministry Team.  We LOVE to engage in these kinds of conversations!

Find us on Facebook:  Here
Find us on Instagram:  Here
Find us on YouTube:  Here
Find us on TikTok:  Here

Becoming a Member

Download Membership Form here.


In the example of Jesus we discover that everyone has something to offer and everyone has something to receive. To find where your gifts connect with our ministries, or where our ministries connect with your searching, find out more about our community of faith, St. George’s.